Desk Cloud 2.1
My most popular work - Metro UI inspired Rainmeter skin suite - Desk Cloud 2.1, madeby UltimateRT with significant help from VClouds. Big thanks to poiru and Wasky1 for Gmail code, and
GuillenDesign for launcher icons.
Despite that Metro UI is very minimal, I made Desk Cloud's panels so every one
of them shows quantity of information about its category.
Download here.
Desk Cloud 2.1
My most popular work - Metro UI inspired Rainmeter skin suite - Desk Cloud 2.1, madeby UltimateRT with significant help from VClouds. Big thanks to poiru and Wasky1 for Gmail code, and
GuillenDesign for launcher icons.
Despite that Metro UI is very minimal, I made Desk Cloud's panels so every one
of them shows quantity of information about its category.
Download here.

Carbon theme: October update
The idea that sparked this project was, that I needed some kind of a rainmeter suite that would show allthe things that I need and in the same time would remain on top of my screen, but wouldn't take up
much space.
When I finished it, I realized that it looks and works pretty good, so I uploaded it on deviantART and it
was my fist successful rainmeter project, it even got nominated two times for voting in official
Rainmeter's deviantART group in Skin Of The Month (SOTM) contest.
Special thanks to VClouds for weather skin.
Download here.
Carbon theme: October update
The idea that sparked this project was, that I needed some kind of a rainmeter suite that would show allthe things that I need and in the same time would remain on top of my screen, but wouldn't take up
much space.
When I finished it, I realized that it looks and works pretty good, so I uploaded it on deviantART and it
was my fist successful rainmeter project, it even got nominated two times for voting in official
Rainmeter's deviantART group in Skin Of The Month (SOTM) contest.
Special thanks to VClouds for weather skin.
Download here.

Photo by jookjook.
Download here.